Capital City Carvers

September 2016

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September to January Schedule

Sept.    5No meeting-Labor Day.
 12Business mtg, show & tell, door prizes, carving.
 19Ornament of the Month: Blue Jay.
 26Finish blue jay. Carving.
Oct.    3Business mtg, show & tell, door prizes, carving.
 10Ornament of the Month: Penguin.
 17Program: John Birch, chain saw carver.
 24Finish penguin. Carving.
Nov    7Business mtg, show & tell, door prizes, carving.
 14Program: Maverick Jaillet, King Arthur's Tools.
Dec.    5Business mtg, show & tell, door prizes, carving.
 19Holiday Party. Carving.
 26.No meeting. Holiday break.
Jan.    2No meeting. Holiday break.
 9Business mtg, show & tell, door prizes, carving.
 16No meeting. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Weekend Workshop

Orchid Davis, noted woodburning instructor and gourd carver, will be here for a weekend workshop in March. The date is being worked out. Orchid will be conducting a woodburning workshop with us. She is going to try to come this fall or at the end of January to do a "show & tell" on what can be done in the workshop. Orchid has done workshops with us in the past and is an excellent instructor.

Program Notes

Sept 19. Carve a blue jay ornament with Barbara. Cutouts beyond first free one are $2 each. Optional eyes are $1 a pair and an optional alligator clip is 50 cents. We will carve the ornament on the 19th and finish it on the 26th with installing the eyes and the alligator clip if chosen, and paint it if we have time.

Oct. 10. Carve a penguin ornament with Adelle. Cutouts beyond first free one are $2 each. We will carve the ornament on the 10th and finish it on the 24th.

Oct. 17. Program with John Birch, the Tallahassee chain saw carver. John is the artist who does most of the chain saw carvings around Tallahassee, including the new spectacular carving at the downtown library.

Nov. 14. Program with Maverick Jaillet, the dealer sales rep with King Arthur's Tools. Maverick will be talking about and perhaps demonstrating KA tools for carving.

Dec. 19. Annual Holiday Party for Christmas and New Year's. Bring food (sign ups later), a guest, and enjoy the company and the drawing for prizes for Show & Tell. If we don't party the night away, we will also carve.

2017 Florida Roundups

Dates have been set for both roundups. The Florida Woodcarver's Roundup will be held in Clearwater January 31 to February 3. The Central Florida Roundup will be held February 6 to 9 in Arcadia. It's been suggested that by making reservations by October it is possible to get into a RV park in Clearwater, and is definitely possible in Arcadia. These are great opportunities to immerse yourself in several projects at either roundup. There is some overlap in instructors and projects at the roundups. If you have qustions, talk to Barbara-she teaches at both. For detailed information check the websites: Clearwater: Arcadia:

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