Capital City Carvers

April 2023

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As with any carving project, plan what you are going to do before you even put knife to wood. Think about what the carving will look like with the paint and finish on it. If you know where you are going, the trip will be much easier.

April is when we request that membership dues are paid. If there is a 2023 membership form included in this newsletter and you wish to renew your membership, please return the form with your dues to:

Adelle Grosskopf
1778 Old Lloyd Road
Monticello, FL. 32344

Here are some websites to check out:

Maple and Bass Enterprises: Located in Canada, this company was formed by Cam Merkle, a noted bird carver. Many products related to power carving, paints, brushes, study casts, tupelo, woodburners and much more. Find them at

Carolina Mountain Reefs: located in N. Carolina this is a company dealing in chip carving designs and patterns. They also have basswood plates, plaques, trivets, coasters and more. You can find them at

Other suppliers are:,,,, and

Habits in Action (This always bears repeating)

  1. Clean Hands - wash your hands, they pick up dirt and transfer it to the carving.
  2. Clean Tools - wipe them after stropping, wipe them after you finish carving.
  3. Clean Bench - keep it clean of chips and dust.
  4. Clean Workshop - clean regularly to remove wood chips and dust. Vacuum don't sweep.
  5. Clean Work - cover your work between sessions and, if possible, wash with dish soap before finishing.

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